The Ovaltineys
- Front cover of promotional booklet
- circa 1938
- 127 x 178mm (5 x 7in)
The League of Ovaltineys was established in 1935 as a children's club to promote the sale of Ovaltine. From their headquarters at 184 Queen's Gate, London SW7, The Chief Ovaltiney sent this new Official Rule Book, "packed full of interesting information", to existing members and those about to join. Containing a brand new set of signs and signals and a brand new secret code, The Chief Ovaltiney, gleefully reveals: "If, by chance, any outsiders have managed to learn our old code and signals, this new set will throw them completely off the track".
In a state of excitement children would gather round the wireless set on Sunday evenings to tune in to the Ovaltiney Concert Party, broadcast from Radio Luxembourg.
Wearing the handsome bronze membership badge, one of the most valued possessions of every Ovaltiney, they joined in singing the well known theme song We Are The Ovaltineys.
After a cup of Ovaltine the children would be off to bed ready for the start of the school week the following morning. They couldn't wait to tell their friends about the League, to tell them all the exciting things they do and how they can never hope to understand the secret signs and private code until they become members themselves.