George Kruger
- Award of medal certificate for Thomas Hansford
- St Mary Magdelene C of E School
- 229 x 280mm (9 x 12in)
- 1915-16
The School Board for London Award Scheme was set up in 1886 to reward every pupil a medal for achieving punctual attendance during the school year. From 1904 the School Board was replaced with London County Council (LCC) becoming responsible for education in London. In 1911 the terms for the allocation of medals was changed to those pupils who had been the most deserving of recognition in respect of conduct, industry and attendance throughout the educational year.
Britain brought in stringent controls during the First World War which probably caused the LLC to temporary abandon the issuing of medals; pupils who would have qualified for a medal received an impressively splendid certificate printed in full colour. The first of these certificates, designed by George Kruger, was for the school year 1915-16 and featured a panorama of London with a background of searchlights and the newly granted coat of arms representing the Thames, the cross of St. George taken from the arms of the city of London, the royal lion taken as a symbol of the capital of England and surmounting them all a crown of gold representing the city walls.
George Kruger Gray (1880-1943) was a designer, painter and medallist. During WWI he served with The Artists Rifles. Born George Edward Kruger, he graduated from the Royal College of Art where he gained his diploma in design. After his marriage in 1918 to Frances Audrey Gordon Gray he adopted his wife's surname.

George Kruger’s signature contains a depiction of a jug or pitcher called a 'Krug' in German.
· Medals of the School Board for London and the London County Council:
· The Artists of The Artists Rifles: